The Humpback Whale: An Acrobat of the Ocean
The Humpback Whale: An Acrobat of the Ocean Travel & Tourism The Humpback is one of the 11 species of baleen whales, found in virtually all the oceans of the world and migrating to tropical or subtropical waters to breed. As this is a marine animal that spends at least 90% of its time beneath the surface of the water, it's considered an absolute joy and a privilege to enjoy a sighting of one of these magnificent creatures. Embarking on a dedicated whale watching cruise is the best way to maximise your chances for a close encounter with a Humpback, whether it's around Mexico's Baja Peninsula, Western Australia or the Alaskan Panhandle. Learning a little more about the physical and behavioural characteristics of the species is the ideal way to prepare for the experience. Characteristics of the Species Filter feeders: Megaptera novaeangliae is a baleen species of whale, meaning that in place of teeth it has up to 400 overlapping 'baleen plates' attached to the...